Rafael Rubio
CEO of Olivízate


Olivízate, a word of fantasy that synthesizes our mission: looking for the pleasure and relish, while helping improve our client´s health.

A few years ago I decided I wanted to start a new business idea. It had been a long-term project of mine, a solid and well-thought out project. It was a personal dream.
My family history may have influenced me: my grand-mother´s grand-father founded the oil company Carbonell in Córdoba. I also had agricultural land in the Córdoba province I wanted to put to use.

In short, a project based on a dream, on patience and sacrifice.

Olive trees were growing, but they did it slowly. Thankfully, I had a very patient wife who encouraged me to continue while our three daughters were growing.

Without a doubt it is a tough learning process but which ends up in knowledge, in wanting to improve and in continuing learning.
Thanks to this experience, I learnt how to produce high quality olives and how to develop Olivízate, a “Grand Cru” brand with an excellent reputation because of its extra virgin olive oils produced from olives collected from our own property.

Juan Montero
Technical manager
Antonio García
Property supervisor
Francisco Bermúdez
Bottling supervisor
Mª Dolores Cuenca
Oil press supervisor
Cristian Iglesias
Computing support
Eugenia Llanza
Content management
Piluca López
Social Networks